I am a feminist, writer, actor and model.

When I was in high school, I was leading a Model UN project, and a teacher said to me, “Stop being so dictatorial. As a woman you have to be careful because people will perceive that as bitchy.” That comment made me want to shrink myself, and I lost confidence in my leadership skills. I am a feminist because I want to do away with such archaic gender norms and improve the dated, generalized, way that we communicate about interpersonal conflict. For example, I may have needed to improve particular facets of my leadership style, but the gender- based semantics failed to impart any specific constructive criticism. I start with this piece of information because it informs everything I do, from the content of my writing, to my style of acting, to how I present myself as a model.

I am a writer because it is a free space for me to take unimaginable risks. When I write, I get to say everything I’m afraid to say in real life. I can make my alter ego a reality if I want.

I am an actor because I think the multiverse is fascinating, and I would love to travel through a portal someday. We currently don’t have the technology for that, so pretending to be other people under the guise of very believable, imaginary circumstances, is as close as it gets.

I am a model because it’s fun and the stakes are low. Making faces at a camera doesn’t have much riding on it, except having a good time.

I prefer activities that don’t have right answers.